Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 147: Atom the Terrific Tetramand

Can I get an "Amen!"

The darkness that had descended upon our house, gave Atom his mega cold and (what I believe) caused our 100+ foot Ash tree to fall seems has lifted.

Atom is on the road to recovery. He flips into Tummy time with ease, periodically jettisons all excess fluids, and is ready for a bender of belly laughs whenever some else is game. He still seems to have some tenacious toxins loitering around but their time will come soon.

To celebrate his recovery Atom has decided to put his feet directly into his mouth whenever his hands aren't occupying said space. His freakishly strong legs and toes have become more and more active over the last month or so. He loves to not only kick things but to grab and cradle things in an octopus-like manner. I think his legs are actually developing into their own independent entities. They seem to always be working and it isn't clear if he has control over them or they over him.

Much like Dr. Otto Gunther Octavius Atom can be feverishly working over his froggy toy with his left hand, mouth wrist deep with is right, his left foot shaming Pele with powerful soccer kicks to his Toucan toy, all the while doing what appears to be simple math with his right. It is truly an amazing sight.

Atom is well underway to being some kind of Octo-person who isn't limited to primarily only using his arms/hands for everyday activities. In fact this morning while his arms were busy punching me in the throat and poking at my eyes he calmly popped his right big toe into his mouth for a little soothing.

Clearly we are witnessing the next step in human evolution. Say good-bye to foot coverings and hello to actual Tetramands!

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