Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 57: Baby Stretches

I am noticing an alarming correlation between Atom's full body, face crunched, contorted into an incredibly awkward position stretches and my own almost full body, leathery, bent into a dangerously awkward position stretches. Obviously his are more improvisational and jellylike in nature while I look more like a 80 year old gymnast making an attempt to reclaim past glory but in the rawest form I see a resemblance.

This correlation is obviously disturbing for many reasons. Who invented this stretch? Was he born with it? IS that the only trait of mine he has acquired? Did I start out that way, so flexible and free, when I was a baby and now many broken down years later lucky to be able to touch my toes on regular basis? Food for thought.

The other side is just as alarming. The other side being me of course. Am I mimicking him now? AM I regressing back to childlike behavior? Is there something in him that I am trying to emulate? Drink for thought at the very least.

You may think none of this is problematic or that I am being hyper sensitive but that's what new parents do. Isn't it? We stare at our new child for hours on end and analyze everything about him. Even if he is just laying on his playmat like a wet noodle we strive to find that meaning, or connection between him and our selves. I used to spend a tremendous amount of time stalking the Pacific Ocean. I couldn't get enough of it. I could spend an entire day staring into the giant body of water and loose myself in myself. I would re-route my daily travels as much as possible to maybe get the chance to sneak a peek at it. I'm surprised no restraining orders were ever issued. Now I find myself staring the same way Atom. The sublime rushes in and over takes my senses. I can stare at him for hours on end sometimes deep in thought and others seemingly floating between levels of conscientiousness. The truly amazing thing is for all of those hours of staring at the Pacific Ocean I don't think I ever saw myself in it and now now I do in Atom. I hope he has some of my other stellar attributes in addition to my stretch but even if he doesn't the connection has been made. And for that I am amazed.

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