Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 40: Ceiling Fans

The last few days have brought on lots of changes in Atom's sleep patterns. Well at least we think so. He seems to be closer to a "schedule" but it is hard to tell. When I asked him if he felt like he was getting a hang of this sleep thing he made a sort of a "coo" sounding noise. I am taking that as a "not really, but that ceiling fan above your head sure looks interesting" statement.

He is having his good days and some bad ones but I think we are getting better at working on acute amounts of sleep so it is a wash.

Atom's latest thing is exercising his vocal chords while he is awaiting for sleep to overcome him. All sorts of strange noises flow from him. Some of the noises are funny, some are scary, and others are just curious. I have a feeling he is going to be a talker. Of course the other possibility is he simply has something important to say.

One of the most frustrating things is not being able to effectively communicate with him.  However effectively communicating is a skill that very few people ever master so maybe I should just focus on not standing under ceiling fans.

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