Friday, March 5, 2010

Atom - Day: 33

Prologue-ish: I will start off by saying I know nothing about bringing up a baby. Armed with plenty of prolix periodicals, multifarious techniques, innumerable internet illuminations, and having played one myself did little to shine light on the subject for me.

Parenting is an odd thing. It's like being asked to do geometry cold. You learned once so why can't you just pick it up again easy cheesy? Make sense until you leave the hospital and are bombarded with an onslaught of minute decisions that need to be made to ensure your child becomes all that he can be or at least "normal". Ugh! Was it simpler when I was a wee lad? Or has the overflow of information made it almost impossible to leave anything up to chance ("Chance" is his middle name btw). I am not sure but hopefully there is still room to be more like water and let some things pass and others to be diverted. Bruce Lee believed people should be like water and should be able to fluidly adapt or adjust with whatever life gives them. I like that idea. Thanks Bruce.

So in the following days, weeks, and months that make up Atom's first year I will be musing about this and that with the goal of finding some clarity, humor and sanity. Hope you enjoy the ride as much as I know I will.

"This parenting thing appears to be quite the challenge. A challenge that I accept fully with open arms." - Me, right now.

Day: 33

Yeah I know I am missing a few days here so this post will be 33 words that capture the first 33 days in more or less order or some kind of order.

fear, amazement, humility, surprise, wonder, joy, exhaustion, stress, enlightenment, awe, fear, bliss, jubilance, exhaustion, glee, wonder, reminiscent, pride, exultation, astonishment, exhaustion, hopefulness, beatitude, serendipitous, buoyancy, panicked, potential, stupefaction, flabbergasted, exhaustion, precious, captivating

1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to sharing the journey with you in my role as favorite unrelated aunt (or something like that)!
