Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 80: A Wrinkle in Time

There is now the beginnings of a WRINKLE on Atoms face. Two months old and already the weight of the world is beginning to show. What's next? Grey hair? It's just too much to bear as a parent. The Wrinkle in question has started to form across the bridge of his nose and it is basically invisible to the casual observer. It is however painstakingly obvious to a doting parent, namely ME. Wrinkle is called into action when Atom is upset or crying and it visually and metaphorically represents all that is wrong with the world. Why should someone so small have so much pain that it physically re-shapes his perfect skin? Why should someone so small have to learn that the best way to physically represent what you are feeling on the inside is to distort your outside?

Fortunately for us his world is a pretty easy one and we are lucky enough to not have too much calamity in our lives sans the occasional cold hand or full diaper. He doesn't even seem to be too self conscious about Wrinkle. He hasn't spent countless hours shopping for the perfect face lift or spackling his face with exotic creams yet. He is perfectly content enlisting this new ally into his execution of the world's saddest face all the while knowing the end result is like Kryptonite to his parents. The deeper Wrinkle goes, the quicker we jump to help him. Pretty smart for someone who thinks the sole purpose for fingers is to stick them into your mouth, eyes, and nose. I am starting to wonder if this is all a part of his plan. Learn the emotional aspect of things first and then let the less complicated things like neck control, bowel control, and speech fall into place later.

He hasn't stopped with Wrinkle either.  This emotional metamorphosis is spreading to other ares of his face too. He has added slight bends, for emphasis, to his unbelievably straight eye brows. God helps us!

Things we have learned so far:
Diapers are like dentures. You never know how they are going to fit until you test them out in action and when they don't quite fit the result can be disastrous. So we rate 7th Gen as good for pee but try to stay out of the blasting zone for anything else.  Luvs are good for all occasions including for night time but hard on the mental state because of the chemicals. Pampers are like sports cars. Stylish, great design but no real backseat.

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