Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 88: Monkey Punch

Atom is really getting this hand-eye coordination thing down. Flapping his appendages wildly practically on purpose doesn't fill up his entire day anymore.  He now takes periodic breaks from the imaginary melee to master his focus. Don't get me wrong, random strikes in all directions against thousands of would be attackers clearly is still fun for him and is the cornerstone of his Baby-Fu. No one or thing including eyes, noses or rattles are safe from his constant barrage. Even in his sleep he still musters up the energy to sometimes violently lash out at an unsuspecting basinet wall. (It's like sleeping next to two Tasmanian Devils in a turf war.)

But now his new weapon, and his most deadly of all, seems to be his focus. When he isn't trying to read your mind (which appears to be constantly) he turns his focus on harnessing his strike force onto a specific target. I like to hold his Monkey Rattle above him and watch his focus turn from carefree drifter to that of a Ninja. He will lie in wait until the monkey has completely forgotten he is there and then with what seems to be the power of a small rabbit or maybe a squirrel, launches a series of strikes at the monkey. Most of the strikes must be used to contain the monkey in the same way that some species of dolphin herd their food, as they usually miss by about 6 inches or so. Eventually the monkey gets what is coming to him with pinpoint accuracy. BAM! I am not comparing Atom's focus or strike to that of Bruce Lee and his famed 1 inch punch but…it might be not that far off. That's all I am saying.

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