Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 340: Dexterity, Focus, and Heaving

For some time now Atom has taken it upon himself to clear off any and all surfaces he can reach. This behavior has led to many a game where we put blocks, cars, teethers, etc. onto the couch and watch in amusement while he earnestly grabs and tosses them to the floor. He does it with so much conviction and pride that it is hard not to share in his feeling of accomplishment with every hand puppet or fire truck that bounces off the floor. With pinpoint focus similar to the likes of Emanuel Lasker or Bobby Fisher, Atom momentarily blocks out his surroundings and goes in for the kill. FLING!

Fortunately he can only reach 12" or so off the ground by himself and, well, anything he grabs while being held or bjorned isn't totally his fault. A thin line has manifested between encouraging this epic feat of dexterity and morning over the occasional cookie, coaster, or ceramic dish that might be helped to an early death.

The thing that really astonishes me is that he never seems to tire of this activity. The "put-an-item-on-the-couch-and-watch-it-go-flying-to-the-ground" (aka P.A.I.O.T.C.A.W.I.G.F.T.T.G) game has never ended by parental desire. The game is only over when Atom decides to move on to something more pressing like the "don't-you-want-me-to-go-touch-that-outlet" (D.Y.W.M.T.G.T.T.O) game or if an urge to partake in C.Q.I.A.R.D* (any guesses?) overtakes him. In fact, it has become a go to time filler in our never ending quest to fill up the day with activities.

As he keeps evolving I wonder where this passion will lead...dexterity, focus, and heaving can only lead to something great in my opinion. Or at the very least, shorter acronyms. 


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