Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day 304: The Precious Art of the Tantrum

Atom is starting to show signs of Tantrums. It is the funniest thing to see mostly because he isn't very good at them and he doesn't seem to fully commit to them yet. He can easily get distracted mid-tantrum if something shiny, new, or within a 12 inch circumference catches his eye. In fact he has been known to launch into a fit (throw his head back, rocket his hands into the air, hit the rain machine) one moment and be laughing hysterically the next.

Where is he learning this behavior? Granted I can be grumpy at times, especially when I miss my programs, but I rarely ever show the flair for drama that he does. Tantrums must be deeply grained into our chemical makeup. That can be the only answer. A love for chocolate, an unhealthy dependency on Google Search, and tantrums appear to the Holy Trinity of our souls.

Right now the whole thing is very comical but once again I have flash backs to the pre-baby me where the site of a tantrum-ized kid at a mall drew very little sympathy from for the  parent. But that was the old me. The new me is wondering if we are ever going to be out at say a restaurant with Atom and if we are going to be those parents grasping at our last wits trying to convince that peas really DO taste good.

The new me also thinks if I see the old me (obviously in the form of some one else's "me") trying to avoid eye contact with me while Atom is doing the spaghetti man crying on the floor somewhere that I won't give them a second thought. I will be too busy trying to figure out how to convince Atom that big boys listen to their parents and all the while knowing this little secret...the joy of parenthood outshines any untimely public outbursts. And if he keeps this up he clearly has a date with a little gold statue at the Kodak Theatre down the road.

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