Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 289: Clothes Schmothes

I have heard stories of and, on the rare occasion, seen the evidence of this strange aversion kids have to clothes. Even friends of ours have horror stories of their kids running around naked in public.

I just don't get it. The kid-less me of just over 9 months ago not only didn't get it but also probably thought there was something seriously wrong with any parents that couldn't keep their kid's clothes on. Have they no concept of public decency? Ah the kid-less me.

Atom isn't running around naked yet but he puts up an unbelievable fight when it comes to diaper/clothes changes. Such a fight that he is just seconds away from being too much even for both of us to wrangle him. It is scary. He twists and turns more than Linda Blair in The Exorcist.

I can only imagine this is just the beginning too. He doesn't quite have the capacity to undo our efforts yet but that time is not too far off. I imagine those sleepy eyed parents chasing after their own half dressed child probably started off where we are not too long ago. At least winter is upon us and even crazed babies wouldn't consider streaking in the snow...would they?

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