Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day 102: Rolling Rolling Rolling

Atom has suddenly become mobile. He has always been very active with the kicking and punching but never really was anything more than a stationary dervish. Now, much like a Weeble Wobble, Atom can freely and willfully roll over to his side when lying on his back. It is a very awkward and humorous maneuver but it gets the job done.  He straightens out his legs and rocks his entire lower body back and forth until he has enough momentum to follow with his upper body. Although he seems to favor one side (his right), he can roll to either side with equal effort and success.

One of the odd by products of his technique, a technique which ironically I seem to be adopting the older I get, is a clock-like rotation. Atom starts to drift clockwise with every rollover attempt and with in seconds can be completely facing in a different position than which he started. The drift isn't a problem but it can be disorientating for a parent who is running on fumes. I am getting the eerie feeling that the days of plopping him down on his mat worry-free and leaving the room to get my fourth cup of coffee will soon be a thing of the past. It won't be long before we are chasing him around the house wondering if we will ever get our first cup of coffee. Clearly he is already plotting his get away as he has taken to kneading his hands in front of his chest while displaying an intense look in his eyes. The only thing missing is Sean Connery, a kitty cat, and a sinister laugh. For now I will pour my fourth cup of coffee (too much coffee I know), head back to the living room and look down with confidence at Atom in the same place he was when I briefly left the room. His head may now be where his feet were when I left and he may be on his leaning over on his side but at least I am not winded and fighting off a caffeine head ache.


  1. Hazel is on the brink of walking, and I often leave the room momentarily to return and find her standing in her wagon, violently rocking the handle in an attempt to make it go - mobility is exhilarating and terrifying at once!

    I remember when Hazel started rolling - it marked the beginning of a long sequence of necessary changes to our sleeping arrangement, a sequence that has ended with a bare mattress on the floor! Crazy indeed, but I love sleeping with that bug!

    Atom is just beautiful. I noticed in this most recent photo, a slight pinch in his ear - does he have a bit of an elf-ear? I believe that he may share this adorable trait with his second cousin!

  2. Wow Rachel! That is so awesome. I am dreading him becoming more mobile. He recently moved from size 1 diapers to size 2 and it was pretty traumatic enough for us.

    Send us some pictures of her. I only have the two snap shots I took at Thanksgiving when she was trying food for the first time.

    I will have to check his ear again when I get home. I liked that picture cause he looks so elfin in it but I never noticed elfin ears before. Do they provide any special powers?
