Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 200: Atom vs Punk Music

Babies don't like Punk music. There I said it.

It semi breaks my heart but it is becoming pretty clear Atom doesn't see the point when it comes to Punk. I am not even talking about hard core Punk or anything. I am talking about the more "easy listening" varietals like Rancid.

I had this vision that he and I would sit around listening to mp3's, streaming audio, or whatever the listening method is when he is old enough to have an intelligent conversation about the subtle nuances that make some bands great and others forgettable.  The both of us sipping coffee from our mobile devices listening to streaming Swinging Utters on our Teleporter Toaster 3000 that "Not only evenly toasts your bread but also sends it piping hot right to your breakfast table!"  Ah, the future you can't come soon enough.

Now Atom does listen and enjoy "non-traditional" baby music. Our friends introduced us to the Candy Band which sing "punked-out" versions of songs like "The Wheels on the Bus", "Over the Rainbow" and "I've Been Working on the Railroad" and Atom seems to thoroughly enjoy them. But they aren't really punk songs.  They use the same style and pace of many punk songs but they obviously lack the angst filled anarchy that dissipates when describing how the windows on the bus go up and down.

One would think baby music would be a prefect fit for Punk. They both share fairly basic themes, lots of repetition, and at times rudimentary beats. The rub is in the attitude. One can't totally get away with a lot of attitude in baby music. Candy Band does a good job balancing attitude and accessibility (kids probably don't have nightmares after listening to them) but it is deceiving because it really isn't deep rooted attitude even though it feels like it on the surface.

So I guess for now Atom and I will listen to lots of different types of baby music and strive to build a robust palette of musical interests. When his treads are worn down a little more maybe we will revisit Punk until then I guess he will be like most other babies skipping the mosh pits in favor of a good cry.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day 193: Atom at a Crawl!

No I didn't just recently find the upload video buttons on this blog...even if I did, and I am not saying I did, you have to admit it has been a video worthy few weeks. 

Eating solid food, drinking water, and crawling required more than just a still image if I was going to make an attempt at capturing the excitement around our house.

Don't worry in the weeks to come I will find a happy medium between my blah blah blah's and video renditions of his cha cha cha's. But in the mean time enjoy Atom in all his 24 fps glory, once again.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 187: Solid Food #2 - Yummy Peas

Atom had Peas for the first time this week. Yep we tried to tackle the Dennis Rodman of small pod-shape seeds. Unlike his last food, Bananas, Peas never were easy to swallow from Atom.

Damn you Peas! We will master you! One of these days when you least expect it, when you are sufficiently comfortable with your smug little will go down!

As a side note, the voices you hear in the video are not a TV on in the background but my parents, brother and Atom's cousin Gannon watching via Skype. For my brother it was his first time meeting Atom (and doing a video chat) and it was pretty amazing to share Atom with him. Technology is my friend at times.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day 181: Meaningful Babble

Atom, aside from his other tremendous accomplishments this week of entering into production on another tooth and eating solid food for the first time, started to put language and objects together.

Mind you he hasn't yet quite mastered English or object identification for that matter but he has been producing Baby Babble for a while now. However, now he sometimes will look at an object and start babbling like a tour guide in a museum.

Last night I handed him his elephant rattle/teether and his eyes lit up. He reached out with both hands (because why use one if the other one isn't busy), pulled elephant closer and then proceeded to babble me that "elephants are emotional creatures. Whenever they come across another elephant that has passed away they become visibly upset and appear to mourn the loss."

I told Atom that I DID know that and that I had actually ridden an elephant before in Loxahatchee, Florida at Lion Country Safari. He babbled to me "stop being a know it all".